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Like everyone else I am fumbling, learning and exploring. I think the object of life is to become more than you are and strive to become better as a person and human being. I know I am not the the same person I was a week before and I won't be the week after. The core remains intact, but the rest is ever evolving. Constanting seeking...


But if you must know a bit more about me...well's a bit....the "I" portion of the program.


I have four dogs, all doxie mixes. I love the breed and all dogs. I have three cats as well. I love a good bottle wine and a bourbon. I am a big GEEK and go to Cons. I love to play boardgames. I am a introvert. I have eclectic music tastes that do not include top 4o, hip hop, rap or country.  I like live events ie theater, ballet, music, festivals. I am a huge foodie and therefore love to cook and try different tastes. I enjoy a good book. I enjoy hanging out with my friends and family and I enjoy being alone. Introverts are like that. I live with depression and SAD which makes life interesting  at times. I am ordained and have married three couples. I volunteer at an animal shelter. I can have a sick sense of humour at times and find most things amusing. Did I say I love dogs? 


On the Spiritual side: I have been a wanderer. I was drawn to and practiced Buddhism for many years. Then I found myself reading Christian theology and slowly moving in that direction. In 2018, I was baptized into the Episcopal Church. In 2019, I became a Stephen Minister. Many of the reasons that I was drawn to Buddhism, I also found in the Episcopal Church - Everyone is Welcome. Ritual. Contemplation. Mystics. Seeking. Practice. Prayer.


Oh and I have a little podcast called Bad Ass Women of History


This is my journey.


Any questions or anything I did not cover, please you know what to do....

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