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Books  some recently read items that I enjoyed and found interesting

some words

I read alot of interesting books on various topics and genres. Those I feel compelled to post are ones I think people should read or investigate further or they may like. Get outside your reading comfort zone and explore a little.

If you don't like it after four chapters put it down and reach for another. There are worlds to explore, new friends to meet, new things to learn, history to be revisited and paths to be blazed.

So I saw Susan on TEDtalks and was like, "That's ME!!!" and a quickly procured and devoured this book. It is a wonderfully written and carefully examined tome on how to treat introverts and how introverts can use their traits to their advantage.













You can buy her book HERE

So I read about a woman who wanted to travel to other countries and just could not for several reasons. She was inspired by this book to make it happen...but...on her own terms and in her own way. Her "Quest" became to eat her way around the world with a new dish from a different country every week starting with the "A"'s.


While this book won't do the work for you (you have to get off your ass and think and move) it will  inspire you and dig at the creative part of your soul. I am starting my own Quest List


You can buy the book HERE

I can't remember where I first read about Nadia, but I was impressed and wanted to scream into the air with fist's pumped, "FUCK YEAH!!!!!" She destroys the stereotypes of ministers and christian women with one fail swoop. This book is pretty much about her life and directional push into ministry. I found it to be brutally honest. Here is link to video she did for a conference.


One of my favourite bands and a very quick read. I have read it more than once. Details Ann and Nancy's career and love affair with music, their family and each other. You can grab your copy HERE.

I can't remember how I heard of him, it may have been something I saw on twitter or facebook or read. This was the first book of his that I read. It is crazy, surreal, intropersonal, introspective, extrospective and dream like. You can purchase it HERE.

I LOVE HESSE. I first read Siddhartha for a World Lit class in high school and fell in love. I then picked up Demian and was blown the fuck away. My used paperback has been underlined, highlighted, page corners turned, spine broken and taped back together again. Demian is like an old friend, a comfort. I was going thru some things during those high school years that seemed to touch on similar themes. Those themes have also revisted me during other periods in my life. Demian was and is my guide. This is the one book I would take with me if stranded on an island. You can get it HERE.

I have enjoyed everything of Neil's that I have read so far. I still need to read everything lol I first heard of Neil in a music mag, iether RS, Spin or Alternative Press. I was a huge early fan of Tori Amos and have found memories of paying $15 to see her on her first US tour at Bogarts in Cincy. It was magical. Anyway, this article on Tori touched on the fact that this Neil guy based a character on her for his Sandman series. I was like, huh, must check this out and make a mental note. It was not until several years later did that mental note pop back up when I saw his an early work of his at a bookstore...hey that's the Sandman guy!!!! I can't pick a fave so here is his WEBSITE.

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