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The Quest



The quest is based on the book by Chris Guillerbeau, The Happiness of Pursuit: Finding the quest that will bring purpose to your life.  What's your passion? What is your souls craving? What is your bucket list? What the fuck do you want to do? I got inspired by Chris's book like so many others and wrote a few things down. Consider it a list of things I want to accomplish. Ya know, the short term and long term crap we tell ourselves in our heads and then aimlessly repeat the same day, the same existence. What are yours? Research, write them down, modify as needed, cross them off and add others....LIVE


MY QUEST's  so far......



  1. enroll  in a MBSR program and complete it  - COMPLETED!!!!! I still use the principals learned

  2. learn conversational German or Dutch or any foreign language - started

  3. create a website   - completed, duh

  4. enroll into National November Writing Month  - DONE

  5. start and finish NaNoWriMo novel by deadline - started, may take me awhile lol

  6. publish said novel

  7. blog  - started

  8. incorporate exercise into my daily routine - work in progress

  9. eating a more plant based diet  - started

  10. get out at least once a week  - started

  11. volunteer at a animal shelter/rescue - started

  12. hit more local festivals and shows

  13. get a passport

  14. travel to Nova Scotia

  15. travel to Portland OR

  16. travel to Seattle WA

  17. travel to Vancouver

  18. travel to Charleston NC

  19. travel to Savannah GA

  20. travel to Europe and hit England, Ireland, Wales, Scotland, Germany, Holland, Normandy

  21. go on a local food roadtrip ie the tristates of KY,IN,OH

  22. make a documentary

  23. make a podcast - started

  24. keep toxic drama and people from entering into my life - work in progress

  25. Drink my way around the world in beers with a new countries beers every month

  26. find the most authentic ethnic places to eat and dine - started

  27. meditate more leading to 10-15 mins min every day  - started

  28. make some paintings ie learn to paint lol

  29. explore photography more

  30. be more honest with myself - work in progess

  31. rent a bare bones cabin in a national park for a week and just be

  32. buy a home - DONE

  33. learn the harmonica

  34. learn yoga - work in progress

  35. be patient and mindful, be in the moment - work in progress

  36. play with the wolves for a day - working on scheduling

  37. go to Dragon Con

  38. go to Comic Con

  39. see Within Temptation in concert in Holland

  40. go on a week long canoe trip

  41. geochache - work in progress

  42. be off the grid and grow my own food as much as possible in a Tiny Home community

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